Course Overview:  The Emergency Response Diving International Tender Ops Component is designed to introduce the public safety professional to the skills that are necessary to participate in public safety diving operations in a non-diving roll. This course is normally taught in conjunction with the ERDI, PSD Level I course. This course is tailored to rescue / recovery oriented personnel but is open to non-emergency service personnel as well.

Course Topics:  This course is comprised of three parts; classroom, confined water skills and evolutions, and open water skills, evolutions, and realistic scenarios. Topics discussed are:

– Recreational vs. Emergency Response Diving

         – Specialized Equipment / Gear Configuration

         – Problem Solving

         – Tender Skills

         – Responding to the Call

         – Search Patterns

         – Crime Scene Recognition

         – Environmental / HAZMAT

         – Black Water Diving

         – Rapid Deployment

         – Out of Air Contingencies

         – Introduction to Full Face Mask w/ Communications

         – N.F.P.A. 1670 & 1006 Standards Compliance


Course Schedule:  Courses are provided on a year round basis. The only prohibiting environmental factor is ice.  Please email or call for a current schedule or to set up training for your PSD unit.


Course Prerequisites:  18 years of age, CPR and CPR OX certified, and must complete EDRI liability and medical release waivers.


Course Length:  Class duration is three (3) full, 8-hour days. The first day is dedicated to classroom and confined water training. The second and third day focuses on open water training evolutions and scenarios.


Course Fees:  Please contact instructor for current course pricing. Fees include training manual, course handouts, and certification fees. Class size is limited to 12 divers, 6 divers minimum. Call for smaller group pricing.